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The Harriet Oilfield
- Publication Name: The North West Shelf Australia
- Authors: E.A. Howell
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: July 1988
The Harriet oilfield was discovered in 1983 when the Harriet-t well encountered a gross hydrocarbon column of 23 m in Lower Cretaceous turbidite sandstones. Detailed seismic surveys followed and a further ten wells were drilled on the field between 1...
Petrology and Diagenesis of the Flag Sandstone, Harriet Field, Barrow Sub-basin
- Publication Name: The North West Shelf Australia
- Authors: R. de Boer and L.B. Collins
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: July 1988
The Flag Sandstone, a thick sequence of massive sandstones with minor intercalated claystones, is the producing reservoir in the Harriet Oilfield and other hydrocarbon accumulations in permit WA-192-P in the Barrow Sub-basin. The sandstones are homog...
Tags: diagenesis field Flag Harriet Petrology Sandstone Sub-basin