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Palaeokarst, pseudokarst, and sequence stratigraphy in Devonian reef complexes of the Canning Basin, Western Australia
- Publication Name: The Sedimentary Basins of WA
- Authors: P. Playford
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 2002
Limestones in Devonian reef complexes of the Canning Basin have been subjected to several episodes of karstification, during the Late Devonian, latest Devonian or Early Carboniferous, Early Permian, and Cainozoic.
Subaerial Devonian palaeokarst forme...
Tags: Australia. basin Canning complexes Devonian Palaeokarst pseudokarst reef sequence stratigraphy
Hydrocarbons and Mississippi Valley-type Sulfides in the Devonian reef complexes of the eastern Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia
- Publication Name: The Sedimentary Basins of WA
- Authors: M.W. Wallace, H.A. Middleton, B. Johns & S. Marshallsea
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 2002
A wide range of maturation parameters indicates that near-surface Devonian sequences of the eastern Lennard Shelf are immature (peak temperatures of 70-90?C). Fluid inclusion microthermometry indicates that peak temperatures in the Palaeozoic were pr...
Tags: Australia. basin Canning complexes Devonian eastern hydrocarbons Lennard Mississippi reef shelf. Sulfides type Valley
Platform-Margin and Marginal-Slope Relationships in Devonian Reef Complexes of the Canning Basin (Keynote Paper)
- Publication Name: The Canning Basin, W.A.
- Authors: Phillip E. Playford
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 1984
Most Devonian reef complexes in the Canning Basin developed as high-relief reef-fringed limestone platforms,
flanked by steep marginal slopes which descended to water depths of up to several hundred metres. However, some platforms were low-relief ban...
Tags: basin Canning complexes Devonian Marginal-Slope Platform-Margin reef Relationships
Research into Diagenetic and Mineralising Processes, Lennard Shelf Reef Complexes, W.A.
- Publication Name: The Canning Basin, W.A.
- Authors: Hashem Etminan, Ian B. Lambert, Ian Buchhorn, Surender Chaku and Geoff C. Murphy
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 1984
Wide-ranging research is being undertaken on the Devonian carbonate complexes of the Lennard Shelf, at the northern margin of the Canning Basin. This work is aimed at obtaining a detailed understanding of the processes involved in reef diagenesis and...
Tags: complexes Diagenetic Lennard Mineralising processes reef Research shelf.