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Hydrocarbons and Mississippi Valley-type Sulfides in the Devonian reef complexes of the eastern Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia
- Publication Name: The Sedimentary Basins of WA
- Authors: M.W. Wallace, H.A. Middleton, B. Johns & S. Marshallsea
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 2002
A wide range of maturation parameters indicates that near-surface Devonian sequences of the eastern Lennard Shelf are immature (peak temperatures of 70-90?C). Fluid inclusion microthermometry indicates that peak temperatures in the Palaeozoic were pr...
Tags: Australia. basin Canning complexes Devonian eastern hydrocarbons Lennard Mississippi reef shelf. Sulfides type Valley
The Role of Seismic in Play Type and Prospect Development: Eastern Canning Basin
- Publication Name: The Canning Basin, W.A.
- Authors: Ted Jacobson
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 1984
The eastern part of the Canning Basin covers an area of 125,000 square kilometres. Because of its remoteness
from the coast, this area remained relatively unexplored as late as 1980. This remoteness, together with poor
seismic data, held back the ide...
Tags: basin Canning development eastern Play Prospect Role Seismic type