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Natural fracture characterisation in a coal measure succession: an analogue for coal seam methane and tight gas reservoirs
- Publication Name: PESA's Eastern Australasian Basin Symposium II
- Authors: D. Gillam, T. Flottmann and R. Hillis
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 2004
Reliable characterisation of natural fracture networks can improve management of tight gas reservoirs typical of
onshore Australia. However, characterisation of natural fracture networks in tight gas reservoirs is often hindered due to poor sample av...
Tags: Bowen Basin coal fractures mechanical stratigraphy thrust fault
Overview of the structure and associated petroleum prospectivity of the Taranaki Fault, New Zealand
- Publication Name: PESA's Eastern Australasian Basin Symposium II
- Authors: V. Stagpoole, R. Funnell and A. Nicol
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 2004
The Taranaki Fault is a crustal scale thrust fault forming the eastern margin of the Taranaki Basin. The fault, extending for over 400 km with 5-10 km of vertical and 10 km of horizontal displacement, has been the target of intensive petroleum explor...
Tags: basin modelling displacement history petroleum systems Taranaki Basin Taranaki Fault thrust fault