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Aspects of recent oil discoveries in ATP 299P(2), south-west Queenland
- Publication Name: The Cooper & Eromanga Basins Australia
- Authors: S. Greaves and E. Surka
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: June 1989
Authority to Prospect (ATP) 299P(2) is located in the south-west Queensland portion of the Eromanga Basin.
Since the initial commercial oil discovery at Tintaburra in 1983, a discovery success rate of 60 per cent has been
achieved by the Operator, Ha...
Possible stratigrphic controls on hydrocarbon distribution within the Jurassic – Early Cretaceous rocks, Eromanga Basin, southern Queenland
- Publication Name: The Cooper & Eromanga Basins Australia
- Authors: P.M. Green, T.J. Brain and B.H. John
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: June 1989
Results of detailed wire-line log correlations have enabled a uniform stratigraphic framework for the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sequence in the Eromanga Basin in southern Queensland to be established. The broad regional pattern of basin development w...
Tags: basin controls Cretaceous. distribution early Eromanga hydrocarbon Jurassic Queenland rocks southern Stratigrphic
The enigmatic sub-surface Tookoonooka Complex in south-west Queenland: its impact origin and implications for hydrocarbon accumulations
- Publication Name: The Cooper & Eromanga Basins Australia
- Authors: J.D. Gorter, V.A. Gostin and P.S. Plummer
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: June 1989
Since the first regional seismic surveys in the Eromanga Basin of south-west Queensland in the early 1980s, the
Tookoonooka Complex has been recognised as a highly structured buried terrain of late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age that is about 55 km...
Tags: Complex Enigmatic hydrocarbon impact implications Origin. Queenland south-west sub-surface Tookoonooka
GSQ Thargominda-3: a stratigraphic test of a ‘canyon-like’ feature near the Tookoonooka complex, Eromanga Basin, Queenland
- Publication Name: The Cooper & Eromanga Basins Australia
- Authors: Ian F. Young, L.M. Gunther and O. Dixon
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: June 1989
GSQ Thargomindah-3, a fully cored stratigraphic bore, was designed to investigate seismic evidence of superimposed post-Westbourne and post-Cadna-owie channelling at a location 25 km south-east of the Tookoonooka Complex (south-west Queensland). It w...
Tags: basin canyon-like Complex Eromanga feature GSQ Queenland stratigraphic Test Thargominda Tookoonooka
Aspects of the hydrogeology of the southern Eromanga Basin, Queenland
- Publication Name: The Cooper & Eromanga Basins Australia
- Authors: P.J. Muller
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: June 1989
The Eromanga Basin consists essentially of a multilayered aquifer system which contains two distinct groups of
aquifers, namely those in the pre-Wallumbilla Formation units, and those in the Wallumbilla Formation and ounger units. The two groups ref...
Tags: Aspects basin Eromanga hydrogeology Queenland southern
Kerogen characterisation and organic and mineral diagenesis of potential source rocks in Jurassic units, southern Eromanga Basin, Queenland
- Publication Name: The Cooper & Eromanga Basins Australia
- Authors: P.J. Hawkins, C.S. Almond, D.C. Carmichael, R.J. Smith and L.J. Williams
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: June 1989
Source-rock richness, dominant kerogen types, levels of organic maturation and thermal histories have been used to highlight differences in potential Jurassic source rocks ('basal Jurassic' unit, Birkhead Formation and Westbourne Formation) east of t...
Tags: basin characterisation diagenesis Eromanga Jurassic Kerogen mineral organic potential Queenland rocks source southern units