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Barracouta: history of exploration and development, and geology of the field
- Publication Name: Second South-Eastern Australia Oil Exploration Symposium - Technical Papers
- Authors: G.H. Roder and M.W. Sloan
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 1986
The Barracouta Field represents a bench-mark in Australia's oil and gas industry. The Barracouta 'Top of Latrobe' gas, in Upper Eocene fluvio-deltaic sands, was Australia's first discovered commercial offshore hydrocarbon accumulation. The discovery ...
A 3D seismic interpretation – Flounder Field, Gippsland Basin
- Publication Name: Second South-Eastern Australia Oil Exploration Symposium - Technical Papers
- Authors: A.J. Young and R.R. Coenraads
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 1986
Flounder-1, drilled in 1968, proved the presence of intra-Latrobe hydrocarbon-bearing sands of Late Cretaceous age. Five step-out wells were drilled before the field could confidently be classified as commercial. Prior to development, it was decided ...
The Gravity Field of the Canning Basin
- Publication Name: The Canning Basin, W.A.
- Authors: Vadim Anfiloff
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 1984
Gravity exploration in the Canning Basin began in 1953 and resulted in large concentrations of detailed traverses in some areas. BMR helicopter reconnaissance surveys began in 1960, and marine surveys were carried out in 1968. The quality of the cove...
Jackson Field Development
- Publication Name: PESA(QLD)-ODCAA-SPE Petroleum Symposium - Exploration and Development
- Authors: R. Hoff
- Reference Type: Journal Article
- Date Published: September 1984
Tags: development field Jackson