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Field Geology Club of S.A
Long Excursion
Prof. Pat James, Richard Williams, Mark Dale
You must sign up before attending an excursion, which can be done at an FGCSA meeting, or send FGCSA President Frances Williams frances.williams@adelaide.edu.au an email. First-time FGCSA non-members can attend their first day or half-day excursion for free. Any excursions after that, you need to become a Club member by paying the $40 annual subscription, or $10 per excursion. For excursions longer than a day, participants must be fully paid FGC members. Please make bookings direct with FGCSA.
For more information on the FGCSA please refer to their website https://fieldgeologyclubsa.org.au/ and from contact@fieldgeologyclubsa.org,au