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Application of Combined Fluorescence and Reflectance (CFR) analysis to thermal maturity assessment in the Barrow and Dampier sub-basins
- Publication Name: The Sedimentary Basins of WA
- Authors: A.R. Kaiko
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 2002
Previous application of systematic thermal modelling techniques has identified large areas within the Barrow and Dampier sub-basins that yield measured vitrinite reflectance data that significantly underestimates the
maturity of the region. As well a...
Tags: Application CFR Combined Dampier Fluorescence maturity Reflectance sub-basins thermal
Recent Discoveries in the Barrow and Dampier Sub-basins: Agincourt, Alkimos, Wonnich, Reindeer and Legendre Fields
- Publication Name: The Sedimentary Basins of WA
- Authors: M. Ballesteros
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 1998
Apache Energy has been involved in several discoveries in the Carnarvon Basin since 1994. These include three new field discoveries (Agincourt, Alkimos and Wonnich) in the established Lower Cretaceous Flag Sandstone play fairway in the Barrow Sub-bas...
Tags: Dampier discoveries Legendre Fields Reindeer sub-basins Wonnich
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the M. australis Sandstone, Barrow and Dampier Sub-basins
- Publication Name: The Sedimentary Basins of WA
- Authors: Ian A. Dyson
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: December 1998
The M. australis Sandstone is a glauconite-rich reservoir within the Lower Cretaceous greensand succession of the Carnarvon Basin. There have been problems with stratigraphic nomenclature for the greensand succession and these may be resolved by a re...
Tags: australis Dampier Sandstone Sedimentology stratigraphy sub-basins
Oil and Gas Accumulations of the Offshore Barrow – Exmouth Sub-basins – Trends in Hydrocarbon Habitat
- Publication Name: The Sedimentary Basins of WA
- Authors: M.L. Zaunbrecher
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: July 1994
Four main observations can be made concerning the hydrocarbon accumulations discovered to date in the
Barrow and Exmouth sub-basins:
1. most oil accumulations occur in Cretaceous reservoirs, whereas gas accumulations occur in reservoirs of various ag...
Tags: Exmouth gas Habitat hydrocarbon offshore oil sub-basins Trends
The Tanami, Sinbad and Ulidia Fields and the Stag Discovery, Barrow and Dampier Sub-basins, WA
- Publication Name: The Sedimentary Basins of WA
- Authors: M.W. Ballesteros
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: July 1994
Four discoveries have been made since 1990 in blocks operated by Hadson in the Barrow and Dampier subbasins: Tanami and Ulidia in TL/1, Sinbad in TL/5 and Stag in WA-209-P....
Tags: Dampier discovery fields Sinbad Stag sub-basins Tanami Ulidia
Structural Framework and Depositional History of the Bedout and Rowley Sub-basins
- Publication Name: The Sedimentary Basins of WA
- Authors: Paul Lipski
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: July 1994
The Bedout and Rowley sub-basins are Mesozoic sub-basins that occupy the central North West Shelf between the Carnarvon and Browse basins. To the southeast, the sub-basins onlap the older Pilbara Shelf, Canning Basin
sequence and Leveque Platform. Th...
Tags: Bedout depositional Framework history Rowley structural sub-basins
The Barrow and Exmouth Sub-basins
- Publication Name: The North West Shelf Australia
- Authors: J.C. Parry and D.N. Smith
- Reference Type: Book Section
- Date Published: July 1988
Australia's first flowing oil well (Rough Range 1) was discovered in the Exmouth Sub-basin. This well, which flowed 87 kilolitres of oil per day on a test in November 1953, was the discovery that set off the search for oil
in Australia which has cont...
Tags: Exmouth sub-basins