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From a carbonate ramp to siliciclastic fluvio-deltaics in a tectonically active Cambrian rift. How did the Delamerian clastic basin fill evolve and why?
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th November 2023
An opportunity to investigate the Cambrian evolution of South Australia through the spectacular coastal exposures in the Fleurieu peninsula.
Rhodri Johns and Elinor Alexander will lead the field trip.
The full excursion is two days. Participants will have the option of participating in either or both days.
The first day will be spent examining the carbonate ramp deposits of the Sellick Hill Formation and the clastic turbidites of the Carrickalinga Head Formation at Myponga and Carrickalinga. Here signs of the early evolution of the Delamerian rift will be viewed.
The second day will be spent viewing the spectacular outcrops of The Fishery Beach section on the south coast near Cape Jervis. Here a magnificently exposed prograding clastic sequence, including Carrickalinga Head turbidites and the shallow marine deltaics of the Backstairs Passage Formation, are overlain by the incised valley fill turbidites of the Cooalinga Member.
Self-drive to meet at the south Myponga Beach car park for a 10am start.
Once we have examined Sellick Hill Formation exposures, it’s a short drive to Carrickalinga Head to spend more time looking at the turbidite facies, to finish at about 4.
Attendees may wish to partake of a cleansing ale at Fork Tree Brewery, Carrickalinga, on the way back to Adelaide – a separate purchase.
You may also wish to make a weekend of it on the beautiful Fleurieu Peninsula – organizing your accommodation on Saturday 11th.
Self-drive to meet at the Fishery Beach car park – 5km south of Cape Jervis, for a 10am start.
We will then walk along the coastal sections to finish at about 3.
Attendees may wish to partake of a cleansing ale at Kick Back Brewing, Aldinga, on the way back to Adelaide – a separate purchase.
PESA Members: $20 per day. Non-Members: $30 per day. Students (limited places): no charge
Self-drive field trip – carpooling encouraged. BYO lunch.
Registrations are limited.
Contact Alex Ross 0434 569 936 alexross@fastmail.fm
Bookings close 5 pm Monday 6th November 2023