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Join us in watching the race that stops the nation! A Calcutta and raffle will be held followed by a presentation on future oil price trends. See you there!
Due to the smaller groups of attendees and in an effort to increase interest in the Calcutta aspects of our price Prediction Day/Melbourne Cup our auctioneer, Andy Rigg and the team have come up with an amended set of Rules to make the day more competitive and fun. The new rules of the front end of the Calcutta are as follows:
Every person registered and attending on the day of the meeting (including speakers) receives an option to purchase a ticket in the PESA Melbourne Cup (Sweep);
Every person above then has the choice to either exercise the option and purchase a ticket in the sweep for $40 or sell the option to the highest bidder, who must then exercise the option (i.e. and pay the $40 to the auction team);
The price paid to buy an option goes to the original option holder;
The $40 goes to auction team as a pot for the race to the distributed between first, second and third horses;
With 24 horses the pot should be $960;
The names of the persons exercising the options will be inserted into a hat and then drawn against horses drawn out of another hat;
1/ If the number of exercised options is equal to the number of starters in the Melbourne Cup, then every exercised option will receive a horse in the sweep;
2/ If the number of exercised options is less than the number of starters, then all the names of the registered persons attending will go back into the draw for the remaining horses;
3/ If the number of exercised options is greater than the number of starters, then not all exercised option owners will receive a horse in the sweep;
Once the owners of all the horses in the field are known, then the call of the card and the normal Calcutta bidding process can begin as usual based on the declared pot.
Best advice is to bring along some cash (no credit card facilities available in the Adams Room), a willingness to have a lot of fun and front up at the Masonic Club (also known as the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel) on Tuesday 7 November 2023 and get together with all your old friends for a great days entertainment.