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Field Geology Club SA

Thursday, 4 August, 2022 @ 7:45 pm - 9:00 pm (Australia/Adelaide time)

Guest Speaker(s): Tom Hurley

Many factors influenced the marine life and the sediment accumulation during the Cretaceous. As the sea levels rose and fell to form and to drain an almost landlocked intra continental sea, the fortunes of the faunas changed with it as did the make-up of the sediment and eventually the rock units we know today.

Observations make up where literature is limited but they have provided a workable theory and a repeatable exploration strategy for the fossils. Numbers, locations, preservation and taphonomy all tell what is a part of this very interesting story.

Tom Hurley was fascinated from a very early age by the rocks and fossils that were already being collected by family members. This was never dampened and it led to an underground mining career and several years with his wife as the volunteer collecting team for the “stone house museum” collection at Boulia, North West Queensland. In those years, Tom and Sharon have both had large dinosaur aged fish named after them and Tom has a Cretaceous isopod named after him as well.

The Field Geology Club of South Australia presents:


Event details:

Thursday 4th August 2022 at 7:45
Mawson Lecture Theatre
Department of Earth Sciences
North Terrace Campus
University of Adelaide
Refreshments will be served in the tea room following the meeting.IF THE DOOR TO THE MAWSON BUILDING IS LOCKED, PLEASE RING THE FGC DOORBELL FOR ADMITTANCE. Please note however that the doorbell will be removed at 8.00 pm in order not to interrupt the lecture.
Please be warned that there is no wheelchair access to the lecture theatre.
For more details visit:


Thursday, 4 August, 2022
7:45 pm - 9:00 pm
(Australia/Adelaide time)
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    Mawson Lecture Theatre
    University of Adelaide
    Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia
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