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Weekend Excursion
Peter Briggs, Kym Dixon
Sat 22 – Sun 23 Oct
You must sign up before attending an excursion, which can be done at an FGCSA meeting, or send FGCSA President Frances Williams frances.williams@adelaide.edu.au an email. First-time FGCSA non-members can attend their first day or half-day excursion for free. Any excursions after that, you need to become a Club member by paying the $40 annual subscription, or $10 per excursion. For excursions longer than a day, participants must be fully paid FGC members. Please make bookings direct with FGCSA.
For more information on the FGCSA please refer to their website https://fieldgeologyclubsa.org.au/ and from contact@fieldgeologyclubsa.org,au