The PESA – ASEG WA Mentoring Program has seen a fantastic response from WA PESA and WA ASEG members. The mentoring program has successfully linked up 20 mentor-mentee pairs from diverse backgrounds, ages and professional experiences.
In May, Simon Molyneux facilitated the Mentees and Mentors framing sessions. These sessions aimed to explain what a mentoring program is, what are the foundations of a mentoring program, to describe an ideal mentor-mentee relationship and to explain what...

PESA WA SHORT COURSE – Elements of Chemostratigraphy by Chemostrat
May the Fourth Be With You!
Friday, 4 May was not only a great day to celebrate the Star Wars Day, but it was also the first time a Chemostrat open-training session had been made available in Perth. This short course was hosted by PESA WA Branch, and we acknowledge and thank Carnarvon Petroleum for generously sponsoring the students who attended the course.
It was well attended with major O&G companies, state government, service companies and academia all represented. Chemostrat has...

Young Professionals in WA
In early April, PESA WA Young Professionals in collaboration with ASEG WA organised the first “Young Professionals Speakers' Night.” The aim of these nights is to encourage the lesser experienced geoscientists to present their work in a welcoming environment and assist their public speaking skills.
We were fortunate to have Amy Millar from Buru Energy present her work, titled “Ungani Oil Field, Canning Basin – Evaluation of a Dolomite Reservoir” which won the Best Oral...

PESA WA Branch’s April Technical Talk
The April monthly technical talk was held by PESA WA Branch with over 50 people attending, with special gratitude to our four sponsors: Spectrum (Platinum), CGG (Gold), Searcher Seismic (Gold) and DUG (Gold).
WA Branch President, Helen Debenham, opened the meeting with the brief introduction of upcoming Branch events. Helen also announced new activities of our sponsors, including large projects of reprocessing 3D and 2D data in Otway Basin (Spectrum) and Gippsland Basin (CGG). Both...

PESA WA SHORT COURSE – The Practical Application of Sequence Stratigraphic Principles
PESA WA was pleased to host Dr. Simon Sturrock on 12 -13 April as facilitator of a short course in The Practical Application of Sequence Stratigraphic Principles. Chevron Australia provided the Perth CBD classroom venue and student places were generously sponsored by Carnarvon Petroleum.
The sessions were descriptive, interactive, and coloured with many anecdotes. Strong attendance by students and established professional of varying backgrounds made for informative and collaborative...

On the Topic of Lithostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy
PESA WA Branch hosted their March technical talk with over 70 people attending, with special thanks to our four sponsors: Spectrum (Platinum), CGG (Gold), Searcher Seismic (Gold) and DUG (Gold).
After a delicious lunch, the WA Branch Vice – President, Victoria Seesaha, opened the meeting with the Branch updates. Victoria announced that Carnarvon Petroleum is the new PESA student sponsor for short courses and then handed over to Carnarvon representative, Andrew Padman, to talk about why...

Stepping out on an ancient coastline at Peppermint Grove
Following the first technical talk of 2018, PESA WA Branch hosted the first evening field trip in partnership with the Geological Society of Australia (GSA) on 6 and 8 March, run over two evenings to cope with demand.
Dr Milo Barham, an expert in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy from Curtin University, led the field trip which focused on exploring the well-exposed, Pleistocene-aged Tamala Limestone.
The mini field trip covered six stops along a charming pathway next to the Swan River,...

Successful 2018 start for PESA WA Technical Series
2018 promises to be an exciting year for the WA Branch Technical Series, with many thanks to our four sponsors; Spectrum (Platinum), CGG (Gold), Searcher Seismic (Gold) and DUG (Gold).
At the commencement of the luncheon, WA Branch President Helen Debenham opened the first technical series of the year with the usual Branch introduction, with special thanks to our sponsors, before announcing all the new and exciting upcoming 2018 Branch events to an audience of over 70 people.

Fabulous fairway fun at PESA ASEG Golf Classic
[caption id="attachment_62759" align="alignnone" width="350"] Aggregate winners The ION team of Jeromy DePledge, Gerry Spanninga, Kim McInerney and Graeme Eastwood.[/caption]
To mark the 30th anniversary of the annual Golf Classic, the organisers pulled out all the stops this year to secure the Cut Golf Course in Dawesville, just south of Mandurah, to give Adam Scott wannabees the chance to drive for show, putt for prizes and then strut their stuff on the fairways.
Blue skies and...

PESA WA evening talks close for 2016 on a successful note
The last of the technical evenings talks was given by Anthony Gartrell, an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia, on November 24 at the Mantra Hotel. Anthony has over 20 years of experience as a petroleum geologist working for WMC, CSIRO and Shell Brunei and Australia offices before he became an independent consultant geologist in 2013.
Anthony shared with the WA Branch members his views on “controls on sequence stratigraphic architecture using examples...