Publication Name: Western Australian Basins Symposium
Authors: Tegan E. SMITH, Dianne S. EDWARDS, Andrew P. KELMAN, John R. LAURIE, Arthur J. MORY, Robert S. NICOLL, James G. OGG
Date Published: August 2013
Number of Pages: 1
The Canning Basin in northwestern Australia covers an area of over 506,000 sq. km, of which 430,000 sq. km are onshore. The maximum sediment thickness is over 15,000 m, concentrated in two north-west trending depocentres: the Fitzroy Trough – Gregory Sub-basin complex and the Willara Sub-basin – Kidson Sub-basin complex. Onshore sediments range in age from the Early Ordovician to Early Cretaceous while those in the offshore portion of the basin are mostly Triassic to Neogene.