The Conference Committee for the West Australian Basins Symposium (WABS) 2019 being held as part of the AEGC 2019 conference advise that the Call for Papers is now open!
The Committee is seeking original unpublished papers related to any aspect of petroleum geoscience or geology and geophysics of the sedimentary basins in the western half of Australia for presentation in the symposium and resulting proceedings (WABS 5). Papers in the WABS 5 Proceedings volume will provide another reference point in our knowledge of the region’s sedimentary basins, building on past PESA conferences and proceedings.
Papers reviewing the outcomes and learnings of past exploration programs, key wells and surveys, field development programs and overview papers are also encouraged. While there is no set length for a paper they must be succinct, clearly separate data and observation from interpretation and conclusion and contain sufficient data or references to support interpretation and conclusions made within the paper.
To be part of the WABS symposium at the AEGC 2019 conference authors will need to submit a full paper for peer review before 22nd March, 2019 or earlier if possible. Peer review and editing will occur as soon as the paper has been submitted. It is intended that the complete WABS 5 volume will be available in an electronic format shortly after the AEGC conference in September 2019.
The guidelines for paper writing can be downloaded here:
WABS 2019 Guidelines for authors_Nov18 Update2.
Authors may raise any questions regarding paper submission and/or express an interest in submitting a paper by e-mailing volume editors
Poster presentations will also be accepted as part of the WABS Symposium. Posters will not have the requirement of a written paper for the conference volume but would still allow you to present your work in the conference
The AEGC conference will also be accepting papers on other basins within Australasia, as well as many more topics. For details on submitting extended abstracts for AEGC, click here.