Federal Scholarship

Applications for the $5,000 Horstman Postgraduate Scholarship are now open. Find the details here

The Shoe Shop GSO7 Yagan Square, 376 - 420 Wellington St, Perth, WA, Australia

PESA WA July Evening talk: Major geological surfaces of the Exmouth Plateau From the new BEX MC3D reprocessed seismic data Impact on exploration and field development

Presented by Feng Xu Jian and Stephen Doyle. The Barrow Sub-Basin and Exmouth Plateau, of Australia's North West Shelf, contain Australia's largest gas reserves, underpinning the three major LNG facilities, including Gorgon, Wheatstone, and Pluto. In addition, there remains significant near-field exploration potential. While there is full 3D seismic coverage in the basin, the existing 3D surveys are of different vintages covering only parts of the basin with diverse acquisition and processing parameters. Multi-Client Resources has produced an extensive 3D seismic reprocessing project (BEX-MC3D) incorporating 23 legacy 3D surveys to provide a seamless 25,570 km 2 3D dataset.

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