Publication Name: The Sedimentary Basins of WA
Authors: J.A. Bauer, E.C.D. Hooper, and J. Crowley
Publication Volume: 1
Date Published: July 1994
Number of Pages: 21
Reference Type: Book Section
Leatherback-1 was the first well on the eastern flank of the Carnarvon Basin to encounter oil in the Triassic. The well, drilled on a Triassic fault block sealed by Jurassic-Triassic shales, intersected a seven metre oil column at the top of the Mungaroo Formation. Beneath the moveable oil was a 156 m residual column. On DST the well flowed 41 degree API oil at a maximum rate of 2332 BPD from an excellent quality reservoir.The palaeo-accumulation is interpreted to have been sourced from Jurassic sediments and to have been emplaced in the Tertiary. Later reactivation is believed to have breached the trap and resulted in the loss of the
original 163m column. The present seven metre column is believed to have accumulated since the Miocene.
Seismic data acquired since the discovery indicate that there is insignificant updip potential, and the accumulation is currently sub-economic. The discovery has, however, demonstrated the potential of Triassic traps located such that they can be sourced from and sealed by Jurassic sediments.