Publication Name: The Cooper & Eromanga Basins Australia
Authors: O. Morozow
Date Published: June 1989
Number of Pages: 22
Reference Type: Book Section
For the past decade SANTOS has utilized the services of its Environmental Section in order to bring aboutpositive and visible improvements to its field exploration and production activities in terms of their impact on the environment.
The company's environmental management program has been multi-faceted, aimed at positively influencing and
gradually changing the attitudes of company personnel and contractors towards the environment in which they work. This has been achieved with the aid of environmental handbooks, special management and information
manuals, films, and through frequent personal contact between environmental staff and the workforce in the field. In parallel with this program of education and information dissemination, ongoing field monitoring, auditing and specific scientific research by specialist consultants has provided valuable information on the resilience of the environment and the relative impact of various exploration/development techniques.
The positive information stemming from these studies has been incorporated into modified, improved and
sometimes totally new field development techniques which minimise environmental impacts and aid speedy
rehabilitation. Much of this work has been undertaken in close co-operation with officers of the South Australian
Departments of Mines and Energy, and Environment and Planning. Indeed, one of the most beneficial techniques
was initially recommended by a senior Government officer.
The continued application of these advanced techniques and responsible 'house keeping' /environmental
management in the field are guided by the company's compliance with a series of joint codes of environmental
practice. These innovative codes, jointly produced by the company and government, form a hybtid balance between industry self regulation and enlightened government control. The codes, their enforcement by Government Inspectors and the implementation of lessons learned in the field, ensure high levels of both sensitive and sensible environmental management in this portion of the nation's arid zone.