Publication Name: The Canning Basin, W.A.
Authors: Barry A. Goldstein and John J. Hubbard
Date Published: December 1984
Number of Pages: 28
Reference Type: Book Section
The acquisition of both HDT and SHDT measurements through 710m of Permo-Carboniferous siliciclastics in the Fitzroy Graben provides the opportunity to compare results of alternative dipmeter analyses.Based on comparisons to cores and seismic interpretations, both dipmeters provide authentic structural and
sttatigraphic information. However, minute and crosscutting rock fabrics are never more than averaged into dip calculations. Based on the comparison of results achieved with several data processing techniques: (1) step-wise routines are, in this case, preferred over continuous, pattern recognition algorithms, (2) step-wise analyses of HDT data using correlation intervals between 0.50m and 0.25m and a 500Jo overlap between successive
iterations of dip calculations provide the most cost effective combination of structural and stratigraphic information and, (3) a O.lOm x 0.05m Continuous Side-by-Side analysis of SHDT data does, in this case, yield the maximum density of high quality dip calculations. Based on the interpretation of dipmeter data, prevalent patterns of palaeoslope and palaeocurrents have been discerned. These patterns of dip provide support for interpretations of palaeoenvironments arid in some cases, form the singlemost important criteria for lithostratigraphic subdivision.