The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NDP) has revealed that oil production during February this year was below expectations as a result of technical problems on some fields.
The NDP said that preliminary production figures for February indicated an average daily production of 1,745,000 barrels of oil, NGL and condensate. This represented a decrease of 75,000 barrels per day in comparison to January.
Total gas sales were 10.2 billion Sm3 (GSm3), a decrease of 0.9 GSm3 from the previous month.
During February the average daily liquids production figures were 1,388,000 barrels of oil, 328,000 barrels of NGL, and 30,000 barrels of condensate.
The NDP said oil production during February was 3.6% lower than had been forecast and about 2% below the forecast that had been predicted for this year.
Total petroleum production for January-February this year was about 38.0 million Sm3 oil equivalents (MSm3 o.e.), comprising: about 13.4 MSm3 o.e. of oil, about 3.4 MSm3 o.e. of NGL and condensate, and about 21.3 MSm3 o.e. of gas for sale.
The total volume was 1.8 MSm3 o.e. lower than in 2018.