Publication Name: Petroleum in Queensland - A Stocktake for the Future
Authors: Tim A. Magub
Date Published: November 1977
Number of Pages: 11
Reference Type: Journal Article
In the past decade the exploration industry developed and used many types of land seismic sources, some ofwhich have been surface sources designed to overcome the problems associated with conventional drilling techniques.
Since its inception during I 966, the Geoscis system has been used extensively as an exploration tool in many
countries and has distinguished itself as a successful surface energy source system.
The Australian exploration industry h as seen only a limited utilization of the Geoseis system due to the reduced
level of activity and consequently has not had the opportunity of becoming familiar with its charac teristics.
To obtain an evaluation of the system. it is necessary to compare its characteristics with those of other sccessful
energy source systems in use today.
In designing a suitable field system, the geophysicist mus t consider a combination of variable factors which
contribute to obtaining optimum seismogram quality. To achieve this quality, it is necessary to have an understanding of the basic theory associated with the system.
Variations ot charge length, charge weight and charge separation are important factors in obtaining optimum
frequency content. frequency response and acceptable signal-to-noise ratios, while calculation of recording offsets will enhance renec tions from particular target horizons.
The Geoseis system is one of the most nexible energy source systems in use today and has the adtkd advantage of incorporating explosives in a surface source system thereby retaining many o f the advantages of the conventional dynamite technique.