Publication Name: PESA News
Publication Issue: 118
Date Published: June 2012
Number of Pages: 1
As president of the Goosebury Hill and Associated Districts Suburban Turf Cricket Club, one of the more influential community sporting bodies this side of the Darling Scarp, Duster has encountered many challenges both on and off the field over the course of what by any measure has been a prodigiously long, storied and peerless reign. Duster has been there through the good times and the bad. Indeed, over the journey, I've dealt with more drama, intrigue, backstabbing, misconduct and general skulduggery than after-work drinks and nibbles at Gillard HQ. But it doesn't end there: when the clubhouse septic tank malfunctioned during the great floods and subsequent power outage of 1997, venting an unrestrained and seemingly endless stream of effluent, dire cataracts of unimaginable ordure, it was a quick-thinking Duster who called in a favour from industry mates, utilising the tried and tested plug and abandon to promptly bring the situation under control; and when the former treasurer, 'Clive', who due to ongoing legal action shall remain anonymous, succumbed to a long-standing battle with an extravagant, and apparently particularly spanking, case of retifism, it was Duster who followed the long and winding trail of stilettos, setting the club once more on the fiscal straight and narrow.