Publication Name: PESA News
Authors: Valarie Hamilton and Merrie-EIIen Gunning, Down Under Geoso/utions
Publication Issue: 117
Date Published: April 2012
Number of Pages: 3
Sandwiched between two existing 3D seismic surveys, the Antares 30 marine and Heytesbury 30 land, the Speculant 30 survey was acquired by Origin Energy Ltd with a combination of Ocean Bottom Cable (OBC), land geophones, airguns and Vibroseis. This rare and complex configuration was necessary due the challenges presented by the location. Situated on the southwest coast of Victoria, the terrain covered by the Speculant 30 is characterised by karst landscape, high cliffs, rough surf and shallow water. Access restrictions along the surf zone further impact the survey, in the form of a near offset 600 m (average) gap, is evident from the survey plot in Figure 1.