PESA WA was pleased to host Dr. Simon Sturrock on 12 -13 April as facilitator of a short course in The Practical Application of Sequence Stratigraphic Principles. Chevron Australia provided the Perth CBD classroom venue and student places were generously sponsored by Carnarvon Petroleum.
The sessions were descriptive, interactive, and coloured with many anecdotes. Strong attendance by students and established professional of varying backgrounds made for informative and collaborative discussions.
In the classroom exercises, NWS data (including seismic, biostratigraphic, core and log) was amalgamated with focus on a process understanding of basin evolution, and with the aim of producing predictive depositional models. Emphasis was also placed on the theory of interpreting everything independently forward and backward before assuming correlations. Thank you Simon for the engaging sessions and these words of wisdom, “don’t believe anything until you check it out.”
For further upcoming courses and events, please check out the WA events page.