Continuing from our first event in April, in mid-October PESA WA Young Professionals in conjunction with ASEG WA held our second speaker’s night. With approximately 20 members attending, the first speaker, Tasman Gilfeather-Clark, presented his work on SOM and machine learning, which formed part of Team Macquarie’s submission for the Frank Arnott Award.
The second speaker, Vincent Crombez, gave a brief overview of his PhD. following work on unconventional fields in western Canada. The talks gave insights to two vastly different sides of different industries. One talk highlighted how self-organised maps applied to mineral exploration may vet areas at a large scale with minimal bias and input, whilst the other presented on an unconventional basin so densely developed seismic interpretation became redundant to well correlations.
Before and after the presentations gave opportunities to network with young professionals from both PESA and ASEG. Pizza, drinks and chit-chat were all abundant, with a range of backgrounds and experience from the attendees. The aim of the night, and these series of talks, is to give young professionals the opportunity to practice presenting in front of an audience of supportive peers.
The night is open to professionals or students with either petroleum or mineral experience still early in their careers.
If you are a young professional that would like to present at our next “Young Professionals Speaker’s Night” or would like to nominate someone to present, please contact Jordan McGlew with your topic at We are aiming to have 2 speakers at each event, to leave time for networking before and after the event. We urge anyone interested in being involved and presenting to contact PESA and let us know.
Lastly, we are currently looking for sponsors to support the PESA WA Young Professionals. If you or your company are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Kelly Arnett for more information.