On a glorious spring weekend members and friends of the SA/NT Branch were able to participate in a self-drive field trip led by Rhodri Johns and Elinor Alexander. This was a joint field trip with PESA SA/NT, GSA and the Field Geology Club of Adelaide. It was an opportunity to investigate the Cambrian evolution of South Australia through spectacular seismic scale coastal exposures along the west coast of the Fleurieu peninsula.
Although a two-day field trip participants had the option of participating in either or both days.
The first day was spent examining the carbonate ramp deposits of the Sellick Hill Formation and the clastic turbidites of the Carrickalinga Head Formation at Myponga and Carrickalinga. Here signs of the early evolution of the Delamerian rift were viewed. The second day was spent viewing the spectacular outcrops of the Fishery Beach section on the south coast near Cape Jervis. Here a magnificently exposed prograding clastic sequence, including Carrickalinga Head turbidites and the shallow marine deltaics of the Backstairs Passage Formation were examined. Thanks for a massive contribution from Pat James on the structural history. Also thanks to Fraser Farrell for his informative tour of the Talisker mine and its history.
Here are some comments from attendees:
- I was amazed to learn that a small settlement in the countryside of the Fleurieu peninsula, represented by a humble general store, serves as a type locality for an orogeny that covers a larger area than the Alps. I’m looking forward to the next excursion.
- Thanks for organising this trip. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and the discussion.
- Thank you Rhodri, Elinor, Pat and Alex for organising such a fantastic trip. I truly enjoyed the experience. It was great to connect with PESA members and meet new people.
Upcoming Technical Meetings
The SA/NT Branch has participated in regular monthly luncheon meetings that were full of a diverse range of topics. All meetings were held at the historic Ayres House on North Terrace on the last Thursday of the month. Members from other branches visiting Adelaide are most welcome. To finish off the year we have two more meetings.
- 28 November – Chris Cubit (SADEM) will give an update on Natural Hydrogen Exploration in South Australia
- 12 December – will be our AGM and Christmas Luncheon where we will be entertained by Rhodri Johns giving a presentation, he has titled Annus Mirabilis – The breakthrough year that changed petroleum geoscience forever