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Hosted with thanks to our Platinum sponsor SLB
Gold Sponsors Katalyst Data Management, Applied Geoscience, Delft Inversion and DUG
and Silver Sponsor Qeye
Current natural hydrogen exploration is analogous to the early days of oil and gas exploration, in which geological rules are being tested and validated. A structured exploration approach is being developed by HyTerra in order to de-risk the exploration process and acquisition of new acreage.
A working, subsurface, natural hydrogen system is recognised in the central Midwest states of the USA, where anomalous hydrogen (up to 92% by volume) has been observed in legacy oil and gas exploration wells. Sufficient data exists to map out the key geological elements for exploration purposes and the potential extent of the hydrogen system, using an approach similar, but critically not identical, to that utilized in the petroleum industry.
This presentation demonstrates how the targeted methodology for natural hydrogen exploration has moved from surface circular features to a more expansive subsurface geological model which supports hydrogen generation on a regional scale in localized prospective areas.
The deliberate targeting of natural hydrogen resources in the Central Midwest of the USA is underway with a rapid ramp-up of exploration activity, including drilling and well testing by multiple companies. These data will help inform and refine our understanding of natural hydrogen system/s both in the Central Midwest and in other prospective locations globally.
Ticket Prices:
Member (Early Bird): $69.00
Concession Member [Retired, Graduate or Hardship] (Early Bird): $59.00
Student Member (Early Bird): $39.00
Non-Member: $99.00
Member (Non-Early Bird): $79.00
Early bird pricing ends Thursday (1 week prior) at 5pm (AWST). All ticket sales close at 5pm Tuesday (2 days prior).