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Hosted with thanks to our Platinum sponsor SLB:
Gold Sponsors IKON Science and DUG:
and Silver Sponsors Delft and Qeye:
From Liability to Asset: The Role of Mature Wells in Carbon Capture and Storage and the REX-CO2 well screening tool
Presented by Siddiq Mahyildin (IKON Science – Technical Sales Geoscientist)
The UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) boasts significant CO₂ storage potential, which is important in the context of the UK’s commitment towards Net Zero emissions targets. Since many of the basins in the UKCS are regarded as mature there is now an increasing emphasis towards plug and abandonment rather than further exploration. In this webinar, we will explore the opportunity that exists to re-purpose near end-of-life wells and fields for use in CO₂ storage operations. Re-use as an alternative to plugging and abandonment could potentially result in significant cost savings.
Ikon Science completed the presented work with BGS for the Re-Using Existing wells for CO₂ storage operations project (REX-CO₂), which is an R&D initiative funded through Accelerating CCS Technologies (ACT) programme. The project aims to evaluate potential for re-purposing existing oil and gas wells that penetrate prospective CO₂ storage reservoirs. A screening methodology and software tool has been developed, and is applied to two UKCS case studies; a depleted gas field and a saline aquifer structure. Determinations of subsurface pore pressure, fracture pressure and seal capacity are integral to the analysis. The procedure for acquisition of regional data, determination of production and depletion impacts, and estimation of seal capacity are considered along with considerations for partial well abandonment. Some challenges for re-use assessments of wells on the UKCS will also be highlighted. Special thanks to John Williams (British Geological Survey).
Ticket Prices:
Member (Early Bird): $69.00
Concession Member [Retired, Graduate or Hardship] (Early Bird): $59.00
Student Member (Early Bird): $39.00
Non-Member: $99.00
Member (Non-Early Bird): $79.00
Early bird pricing ends Thursday (1 week prior) at 5pm (AWST). All ticket sales close at 5pm Tuesday (2 days prior).