Publication Name: Eastern Australian Basins Symposium V (EABS 2015)
Authors: Peter Nicholls, Rod Bresnehan, Brad Hayes, Kathleen Dorey, William McDougall
Date Published: September 2015
Number of Pages: 10
The Bowen-Surat Basin is a well-known petroleum province, with a long history of conventional oil and gas production, primarily from Mesozoic reservoirs. It contains two active petroleum systems which, in the area of ATP 840P within the Taroom Trough, contain condensate- and gas-mature source rocks. The Blackwater Source system includes source rocks of the marine Back Creek Group, and coals and carbonaceous shales of the Blackwater Group. Both source rock intervals are mature to overmature for oil and gas generation throughout the Taroom Trough. Terpane and sterane biomarkers and isotopic data show the major source of conventional oils in Permian-Jurassic reservoirs in the basin to be the Blackwater Group. The Triassic Snake Creek Mudstone was deposited in a lacustrine environment, and is the second source interval. It contains Type II/III kerogen that is mature for oil and gas generation.