Lattice Energy, which is wholly owned by Beach Energy, has submitted an environment plan to drill a single exploration well in the Otway Basin, located approximately 32km off Victoria’s south west coast.
The environment plan is under assessment with NOPSEMA and proposes that the Artisan-1 be drilled by the Ocean Onyx semi-submersible mobile offshore drilling rig. The Ocean Onyx is a conventionally moored, non-self-propelled, column-stabilised semi-submersible owned and operated by Diamond Offshore.
The proposed Artisan-1 well location is at a water depth of approximately 71m. The operational area for the drilling program has been defined as a two-kilometre radius around the well while the rig is moored on location. The 2km radius encompasses both the outer extent of mooring equipment on the seabed, and the 500 m rig safety exclusion zone (RSEZ).
The drilling activity is planned to commence in the fourth quarter of 2019 or the first quarter of next year, with drilling expected to take approximately 35 to 55 days, depending on the final work program and potential operational delays.
The Artisan-1 well maybe suspended for future production if commercial quantities of hydrocarbons are discovered. In this eventuality, the well will be suspended in accordance with the Well Operations Management Plan (WOMP) and the wellhead will be left in place to facilitate future operations. Any potential future production drilling of Artisan-1 well will be addressed under a separate Environment Plan (EP). Drilling and support operations will be conducted on a 24-hour basis for the duration of the program.