Norwegian ocean bottom node seismic company AGS has announced a number of seismic production records during an Utsira multi-client ocean-bottom node (OBN) seismic program.
AGS said that this season’s Utsira multi-client ocean-bottom node (OBN) program, in conjunction with TGS, began on Saturday, July 3 and delivered a new company record marine source count in a single day. The crew achieved recording more than 50,000 marine sources in what was one milestone of a record seven-day acquisition window in all areas of the OBN program in the North Sea.
The crew acquired over 300,000 marine sources in the trailing seven days, average nearing 43,000 marine sources per day, the company said.
The record source production was made possible by a record number of nodes being moved within the same period, enabled by the “Constant Velocity” handling system, the company added. The crews had underscored the efficiencies by accurately positioning and moving over 14,000 ocean bottom nodes and deployed over 700km of receiver line during the same period.
The program is significant considering AGS has signed an agreement with an unnamed oil company covering marine services and OBN acquisition and is set to start the work program later this year or in early 2020 in the North Sea.
“The production records set last week, demonstrates the operational performance improvements year on year and that AGS is capable of delivering to our NCS client and other clients by use of the “Constant Velocity” handling system and a flexible operating model. This underscores AGS’s ability to deliver large seismic Multi-Client volumes cost effectively”, said Lee Parker, AGS CEO.