Publication Name: Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference 2018
Authors: Juraj Farkas, Maxwell Bullen, Grant Cox, Alan Collins, William Giuliano, Sandra Menpes, Juergen Gusterhuber, Belinda Smith
Date Published: February 2018
Number of Pages: 6
The Greater McArthur Basin in northern Australia forms the world’s oldest potential unconventional gas play. It comprises Paleo- to Mid-Proterozoic sedimentary successions (i.e., the McArthur and Limbunya Groups) dominated by carbonate rocks (i.e., dolostones) deposited in various shallow marine to more restricted lagoonal and sabkha/playa evaporitic environments, while the associated organic-rich shales (i.e., the Barney Creek and Fraynes Formations) likely formed in relatively deeper and/or redox stratified depositional settings.