Publication Name: Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference 2018
Authors: Andrew R. Gorman, Patrick T. Fletcher, Dylan Baker, Douglas R.A. Fraser, Gareth J. Crutchley, Stuart A. Henrys
Date Published: February 2018
Number of Pages: 4
Gas hydrates are reported widely in seismic data from New Zealand’s Hikurangi Margin (east coast of the North Island). Over the last decade, conventional petroleum exploration interests in this region have led to the collection of several regional seismic datasets. These data have greatly improved our understanding of hydrate accumulations in the area; however, the resolution of industry multichannel seismic surveys is limited by the bandwidth of the airgun sources used. We present preliminary results from an academic high-resolution generator injector (GI) airgun seismic survey, undertaken in mid 2015, that targeted focused gas hydrate accumulations lying within thrusted accretionary units in the Pegasus Basin, at the south end of the Hikurangi Margin.