Publication Name: AEGC 2021
Authors: Claudio Delle Piane, Colin MacRae, William Rickard, Vincent Crombez, Mohinudeen Faiz, David N. Dewhurst
Date Published: September 2021
Number of Pages: 4
This contribution focuses on the organic rich intervals of the prospective Mesoproterozoic Velkerri Formation from the Beetaloo Sub-basin, part of the greater McArthur Basin (Northern Territory). It is based on the integration of petrophysical measurements, high-resolution petrographic observations from scanning and transmission electron microscopy, organic and inorganic geochemical analyses, and sequence stratigraphy. Specifically, we show how intervals of intense diagenetic quartz cementation are widespread throughout the Amungee Member of the Velkerri Formation and preferentially affect the organic-rich intervals of the formation.