Publication Name: AEGC 2021
Authors: Alexei Gorbatov, Andrew Medlin, Michael P. Doublier, Karol Czarnota, Tanya Fomin, Paul Henson, Brian L.N. Kennett
Date Published: September 2021
Number of Pages: 4
It is generally accepted that improvements in mineral exploration are required to meet the rising demand for minerals associated with a transition to lower carbon energy sources. There is growing consensus in mineral exploration that the distribution of fertile mineral camps is controlled by major lithospheric structures yet there is a paucity of case studies with adequately distributed datasets to test this view. Here, we test the relationships between variations in the Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho) and iron oxide-copper-gold and sediment hosted mineral deposits in the regions between the Arunta and Mount Isa Provinces.