Publication Name: AEGC 2021
Authors: James Austin, Tobias Schlegel, John Walshe, Andreas Bjork, Clive Foss
Date Published: September 2021
Number of Pages: 7
Iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) systems, in a broad geophysical sense, include a spectrum of mineralisationstyles ranging from reduced, pyrrhotite-dominant examples, sometimes referred to as iron sulphide coppergold (ISCG) systems, to magnetite-pyrite dominant, and more oxidised, hematite dominant Cu and Au deposits. Importantly, the geophysical signatures in and around (IOCG) deposits are frequently associated with mappable changes in redox. Moreover, redox gradients have predictable geophysical signatures, and thus they can be targeted by mineral explorers using integrated petrophysical and geophysical methods.