Publication Name: Western Australian Basins Symposium
Authors: Svenja TULIPANI, Kliti GRICE, Paul F. GREENWOOD, Peter HAINES, Roger E. SUMMONS, Michael E. BÖTTCHER, Clinton B. FOSTER, Martijn WOLTERING, Ted PLAYTON
Date Published: August 2013
Number of Pages: 1
During the Late Devonian one of the biggest mass extinctions in Earth’s history wiped out the extensive reef systems prominent in that era. The most severe loss of speciesoccurred at the Frasnian –Famennian (F-F) boundary; however also the Givetian and Famennian time periods were closed by major extinctions. Cause and nature (distinct events or several smaller pulses) of the extinctions continue to be debated. Hypotheses range from bolide impacts to climate change and anoxia/eutrophication in the oceans linked to the rise of terrestrial vegetation.