Publication Name: Eromanga Basin Symposium Summary Papers (1982)
Authors: M.A. Habermehl
Date Published: November 1982
Number of Pages: 2
The Eromanga Basin is a constituent sedimentary basin of the hydrogeological Great Artesian Basin (Habermehl, 1980). Confined aquifers occur in continental quartzose sandstones of Jurassic and Cretaceous age in the Eromanga Basin. Intervening confining beds consist of siltstone and mudstone; a thick argillaceous sequence of sediments of marine origin and Cretaceous age forms the main confining unit. The basin is, in places, 3000 m thick, and forms a large synclinal structure, uplifted and exposed along its eastern margin and tilted southwest. Recharge occurs mainly in the eastern marginal zone, and minor recharge takes place in the western margin. Natural discharge occurs from springs in the southwestern, western and southern margins; most springs are associated with structural features.