Publication Name: Eastern Australian Basins Symposium 2001
Authors: R. Lovibond
Date Published: November 2001
Number of Pages: 28
Reference Type: Magazine Article
Origin Energy Ltd (Origin) is unique in that it has an asset base of over $2.5 billion spanning the hydrocarbon based energy supply chain, from exploration and production through power generation to natural gas, LPG and electricity trading and retail. It is committed to contributing to the sustainable development of our communities by reducing the environmental impact of energy production and use. Origin's Clean Energy Advantage is a strategic initiative offering a growing range of products, services and policies designed to build long-term value and customer loyalty through a commitment to clean energy. This commitment covers three key areas: enewable energy, clean energy technologies and climate change.Origin's renewable energy initiatives are driven by a desire to be a leading player in the sustainable development of Australia's energy industry. It is actively involved in the new Green Electricity Market and the trading of Renewable Energy Certificates. Origin is exploring opportunities to invest in renewable energy projects such as wind and small hydro, and is sponsoring ongoing research at the Australian National University and elsewhere that aims to bring affordable solar photovoltaic energy to city homes.
Origin's commitment to sustainable energy is further demonstrated by its clean energy range of products and services. Its natural gas-fuelled cogeneration and power plants deliver major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions compared with the electricity generation industry average. Origin offers its customers professional advice to reduce energy use, and is a leading developer of Compressed Natural Gas as a transport fuel. Origin's GeoExchange business provides industrial heating and cooling using the earth as a heat source and sink. Origin's Esanty hydrocarbon refrigerant is a replacement for more greenhouse intensive refrigerant gases.
Origin shares the public's concern in the area of global climate change and is committed to addressing the issue in several ways. It is involved in greenhouse gas abatement projects, and is also actively working in Government and industry forums to ensure appropriate policies are developed that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The company studies the potential effects of a carbon constrained economy, and uses its forecasts of its future carbon liability in strategic planning. As a result, Origin has chosen to build its business through growth in clean energy technology to meet the expectations of its stakeholders, including shareholders, employees and the broader community.