Publication Name: Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference 2019
Authors: Sophie Vuleta*, Monica LeGras, Raymond E. Smith, Carsten Laukamp, Louise Schoneveld, Ravi Anand
Date Published: September 2019
Number of Pages: 2
Whilst detailed geochemical analyses have been conducted to mitigate the complications regolith cover poses to modern exploration efforts, less attention has been directed to the mineralogical associations that exist between lateritic residuum and potentially underlying intrusive-hosted Li-deposits. The characterisation of mineral hosts for Li in the lateritic duricrust would assist exploration efforts within poorly outcropping regions of Australia, by providing early indication and characterisation of potentially concealed deposits. Pisolitic laterite and lateritic duricrust from Greenbushes, Western Australia, was analysed as an example, using a suite of lab-and field mineralogical analytics, to understand the regolith mineralogical signature of buried Li ore.