Publication Name: Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference 2019
Authors: M. Bucknill*, Brendan Duffy, Jason Noble, Alex Berkovitch
Date Published: September 2019
Number of Pages: 5
The structural context and Australian versus Asian affinity of regional outcrop of Timor’s Lolotoi Metamorphic Complex are critical to the interpretation of hydrocarbon prospectivity but are obscured by complex geology and still strongly debated. Timor Resources and Geomage used Common-Offset Multi-Focus (CO-MF) processing to vastly improve imaging of legacy onshore seismic surveys. These are interpreted by integration with surface geology mapping, wells, offshore seismic and gravity data, providing the first geophysical insight and possible resolution of the Lolotoi conundrum. Beneath a bland zone interpreted as allochthonous Lolotoi lies reflectivity interpreted as faulted blocks within a large sub-allochthon anticline. Closure up to 90 km2 occurs to a modest total depth around 2500 mSS, providing a viable drill target to test the sub-thrust reflectivity package.