Publication Name: Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference 2019
Authors: Klaus Regenauer-Lieb*, Thomas Blach, Ankita Singh, Amalia Halim, Stuart Clark, Christoph Schrank
Date Published: September 2019
Number of Pages: 4
Exploration geophysics and reservoir production strategies rely on a robust knowledge of reservoir petrophysical properties and their uncertainties. We have developed a new approach that not only quantifies uncertainties of petrophysical properties in a static scenario but also assesses their dynamic changes under tectonic, chemical and production loads. We address this challenge with a new Multi-scale and Multiphysics data assimilation approach integrating experiments, numerical simulations and rock physics theory. This paper focusses on data integration from molecular to laboratory scale to provide a solid physics foundation for the multiscaling approaches presented in companion papers for the larger scales.