Publication Name: Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference 2019
Authors: J.K. Pearce, T. Blach, G. Dawson, Y. Melnichenko, G. Southam, S.D. Golding, J. Bahadur, D. Paterson
Date Published: September 2019
Number of Pages: 4
Shale oil and gas is of recent interest in Australia, and the Roseneath, Epsilon and Murteree (REM) shales of the Cooper Basin, Australia, are unconventional gas targets. Shales have a high proportion of porosity in the sub-micron scale and hydraulic stimulation of USA shales has historically employed high volumes of water with dilute HCl, proppants and various chemicals. Supercritical (sc)CO2 has also been used as a fracture fluid in water sensitive formations. In addition, shales may contain high concentrations of potentially toxic or regulated components such as U, As, Pb, or BTEX which may be released to production water. Improper disposal or treatment of waste water has caused recent environmental concerns in the USA.