Publication Name: Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference 2019
Authors: Chris van Galder
Date Published: September 2019
Number of Pages: 4
Full Spectrum Falcon combines a Falcon AGG system and an sGrav AG system to deliver a low noise gravity dataset across all the exploration wavelengths. The noise of the vertical gravity data from an AGG system will increase as its wavelength increases, while the noise from an AG system decreases as wavelength increases. Where these two error responses meet is the wavelength to use in a pair of matched high-pass and low-pass filters to use before merging the two gravity datasets. The two systems have different noise measurements: Difference Noise for the Falcon AGG data and Test Line Repeatability for the sGrav AG data. These noise estimation methods do not allow for a common noise measurement across both systems. Using a common noise estimation is necessary to determine an appropriate cross-over wavelength. We propose a modified Odd-Even Difference Method as that common measurement of the vertical gravity noise. This approach is demonstrated using results from a recent survey flown in Victoria Australia.