Publication Name: Eastern Australian Basins Symposium III (EABS 2008)
Authors: H. Gibson, K. Stüwe, R. Seikel, D. FitzGerald, P. Calcagno, D. Argast, P. McInerney and A. Budd
Date Published: September 2008
Number of Pages: 6
An accessible method is now available for rapid calculation of the spatial variation of temperature directly from a 3D geology model. The need for a tool of this nature stems from Australia’s emerging industries in the exploration and production of geothermal energy. The ability to accurately calculate 3D temperature for a modelled part of the crust, is key to supporting this industry, and possibly others, because the huge task involved in acquiring comprehensive sets of heat flow data is prohibitive, and because only true 3D temperature modelling can provide sufficiently accurate information.