Publication Name: Eastern Australian Basins Symposium III (EABS 2008)
Authors: W. Muir
Date Published: September 2008
Number of Pages: 8
Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is the new paradigm to address the effects of global warming due to the emission of anthropogenic CO2 into the atmosphere. There are numerous projects and studies currently underway in Australia. The projects are at various developmental stages, ranging from desktop studies to demonstrations at a commercial level. There are three projects in Queensland, four in Victoria, two in each of Western Australia and South Australia and one in New South Wales. They include advanced projects where drilling of exploration, appraisal and injection wells has already taken place, including: ZeroGen in Queensland (six wells), Chevron’s Gorgon Project in Western Australia (one well) and the CO2CRC’s Otway Pilot Project in Victoria (one well). There are a number of projects which are investigating the capture part of the process first, and will move on to the storage project at a later date. These include Callide Oxyfuel and Fairview CSG in Queensland, and the Coolimba Power Project in Western Australia. There are further projects in various stages of study such as FuturGas and the Moomba Hub in South Australia, three brown coal projects in Victoria and the Munmorah Project in NSW.