Publication Name: Eastern Australian Basins Symposium III (EABS 2008)
Authors: B.E.J. Messent and L.E. Farmer
Date Published: September 2008
Number of Pages: 16
The Basker oil and gas field comprises Intra-Latrobe sandstone reservoirs in a hanging-wall, fault-dependent structure reliant upon cross-fault seal. The hydrocarbon reservoirs are relatively thin (generally less than 5 m) channel sands developed in a flood-plain environment. To understand reservoir connectivity and therefore maximise oil and gas recovery, different technologies have been used to provide an integrated view. Central to understanding the connectivity was the drilling of additional wells during a six-month extended production test (EPT). All significant reservoirs were evaluated using pre-test pressures and pump-outs. The development of the geological model involved the integration of the pressure data with borehole image analysis, petrology, detailed reservoir geochemistry, mudlog gas analysis and the quantitative evaluation of cuttings and rotary sidewall cores.