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“A Regional Patchawarra Perspective”
South Australia Drill Core Reference Library
Following the success of the previous year’s events, PESA SA/NT is pleased to announce this year’s half-day core workshop at the South Australia Drill Core Reference Library in Tonsley on Friday 5th November 12.00 – 4.30pm.
This year’s workshop takes an exciting new focus – Dr Chris Cubitt (PERM Consulting) is providing a Regional Patchawarra Perspective. Chris and other experts will be on hand to guide through the cores from 5 Patchawarra wells, enabling participants to form their own opinions. The core workshop will run as follows:
Arrive Tonsley Drillcore Library 12.00 for 12.15 – grab your own lunch beforehand or bring it with you.
Who should attend? Geoscientists, sedimentologists, petrophysicists, engineers, academics & geoscience students who wish to view a variety of South Australian petroleum core.Cost: $10 for PESA Members, $20 for Non-Members, free for students.
Places are limited so please book early.
Location: The new South Australia Drill Core Reference Library is located in the heart of the newly revitalised Tonsley Precinct, adjacent to South Road.
Attendees should make their own way to the Tonsley Precinct.
There is ample car parking and public transport.
Contact Alex Ross for more information
0434 569 936