The Shoe Shop GSO7 Yagan Square, 376 - 420 Wellington St, Perth, WA, Australia

PESA WA May Evening talk: Rafael-1 – a tantalising gas-condensate discovery in the onshore Canning Basin

The Rafael 1 exploration well was drilled in the onshore Canning Basin by Buru Energy in late 2021 and made an exciting gas-condensate discovery in Devonian dolomites. The well tested a significant four-way structural closure mapped on a sparse regional 2D seismic grid, although the stratigraphic succession at the well location was difficult to predict due to the limited and distant well control. The Rafael 1 discovery has challenged a number of paradigms about the Canning Basin and supports the contention that significant volumes of gas in conventional reservoirs are yet to be discovered despite sporadic exploration over the past 100 years. The well also confirms that opportunity hides where high geological complexity and sparse datasets intersect.

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Parmelia HIlton 14 Mill Street, Perth, WA, Australia

PESA WA June Technical lunch talk – Monitoring of the reservoir pressure & saturation changes using Extended Elastic Impedance from time lapse seismic data: Enfield Field

Presented by Sergey Shevchenko. This presentation demonstrates how the Extended Elastic Impedance (EEI) concept has been used as a method for reservoir monitoring, calculating changes in pressure and saturation in a producing reservoir by applying EEI to time-lapse seismic data. The method uses time-lapse seismic difference data rotated to specific EEI χ angles which are optimised for the changes expected in a given reservoir.

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Carlisle core library 37 Harris Street, Carlisle, WA, Australia

PESA Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Interest Group (SSIG) Meeting – June

On Friday 24 February (1.00 pm to 4.00 pm) a special session of the Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Interest Group at the Perth Core Library, 37 Harris St, Carlisle, led by Vincent Crombez, Fionna McNee and Chris Elders, will examine cores from mineral and petroleum wells in the Canning and Office basins that have penetrated thick salt sequences. This will provide us with the opportunity to investigate the composition and deformational fabrics in mobile and non-mobile salt, as well as the underlying and overlying stratigraphic successions. As is tradition, the SSIG workshop will be followed by drinks at 4.00 pm at the Balmoral Hotel, Victoria Park.

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The Shoe Shop GSO7 Yagan Square, 376 - 420 Wellington St, Perth, WA, Australia

PESA WA July Evening talk: Guyana – 10 billion barrels and counting

In 2015 ExxonMobil discovered oil in the Stabroek Block in the deep water of Guyana, South America.  Subsequent discoveries have resulted in announced reserves of 10+ billion barrels.  First oil commenced in December 2019 with a second development coming online February 1922.  Current production capacity is 340,000 barrels per day with additional developments in progress.

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WA Museum Boola Bardip Perth Cultural Centre, Perth, WA, Australia

PESA WA: 2023 Winter Warmer

Proudly sponsored by IKON Geoscience: We invite you to join friends and colleagues at our Annual Winter Warmer Social on...

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Parmelia HIlton 14 Mill Street, Perth, WA, Australia

PESA WA August Technical Lunch: Flexible Solutions for both CCS Measurement, Monitoring, and Verification (MMV) and Offshore Windfarm Developments

Measurement, Monitoring, and Verification (MMV) are essential to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects. Precise CO2 emission measurements, ongoing project performance monitoring, and independent data verification provide stakeholder confidence in the CCS system's greenhouse gas reduction, safe operation, and prompt issue resolution. Likewise, developing ground models for offshore wind turbine placement demands a comprehensive approach that addresses various geotechnical, geophysical, regulatory, and stakeholder aspects. A common element should be that any ‘baseline’ geophysical platform is built to best practice standards for both CCS and Wind projects.

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The Shoe Shop GSO7 Yagan Square, 376 - 420 Wellington St, Perth, WA, Australia

PESA WA September Evening talk: Casting a Bigger Shadow: Big New Opportunities in Australian Basins revealed by Regional Fluid Inclusion Data

Australia boasts the largest resource of fluid inclusion data in the world, with more than 800 wells,
leading the way in application by the oil and gas industry. These datasets can add tremendous value to the exploration and development of oil and gas fields and the assessment for potential geological storage of CO2.

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